ZIU Infraregional Territorial Plan

The industrial area of regional interest of south Udine is the subject of implementation planning through the preparation of an "infra-regional territorial plan" (PTI) pursuant to Regional Law no. 3 of January 18, 1999.

Historical evolution of urban planning

The historical evolution of urban planning began with adopting the General Plan of the Udine Industrial Zone (ZIU) by the Municipality of Udine on 03/15/1973. Then came the approval of the Framework Plan on 02/11/1973 with the D.P.G.R.04720 /Pres. And then, the Consortium adopted the first PIP (Piano Insediamenti Produttivi - Productive Settlements Plan), drawn up in compliance with art. 27 of Law 865/71 and approved on 05/28/1975 with the DPGR 01359/Pres.

After ten years, a new PIP was drawn up and approved on April 21, 1988, with the DPGR 0136/Pres. A plan that substantially confirmed the original perimeter of the area.

The Infraregional Territorial Plan (PTI)

The area of industrial agglomeration of regional interest of south Udine has been the subject of new planning implementation with the drafting of an "Infraregional Territorial Plan" (PTI) adopted under Art. 3 of Regional Law No. 3 of January 18, 1999, by the Consortium for Industrial Development of Central Friuli in July 2000.

The adoption, passed by the assembly on July 27, 2000, was followed by the conference of services to ascertain the urban compatibility of the same Plan with the general urban planning tools of the municipalities of Udine, Pavia di Udine, and Pozzuolo del Friuli.

In July 2001, the Consortium reached an agreement with local authorities: the Plan's final approval dates back to July 8, 2002.

The Consortium's management has subsequently approved some master plan variances to the PTI: in October 2004, Variance no. 1 for a better regulatory framework responding to local needs; then Variant no. 2 (12/12/2006-10/18/2007) was adopted in two separate times, also following the acquisition of the (positive) opinions of urban conformity by the municipalities of Udine, Pavia di Udine, and Pozzuolo del Friuli and approved by the President of the Regional Council; Variant no. 3, for a functional urban structure concerning better management as well as the acquisition of new industrial buildings; Variant no. 4, which provided for an extension of the area of competence to the north and a more limited one to the south, as well as a redefinition of the original objectives of the Plan, taking shape as a "new PTI," approved by the President of the Region FVG on August 6, 2013. Finally, Variant No. 5 (April 20, 2016) and Variant No. 6 (June 22, 2017), both approved by the President of the Region FVG, with a view to the constant improvement of the management of the ZIU area, responding to local needs.


Variante n. 8 al P.T.I.

Come usualmente accade durante il “periodo di gestione” dei Piani urbanistici, anche nel caso del PTI, dalla data di approvazione sino ad oggi sono emerse alcune istanze da parte di aziende insediate, nonché necessità di adeguamento dello strumento urbanistico. L’Amministrazione ha dunque indicato l’esigenza di redigere una nuova Variante al P.T.I. (n.8), nelle more della predisposizione del c.d. “PTI unitario” per la gestione urbanistica (unitaria) di tutti gli ambiti di competenza (ZIU, Alto Friuli, Aussa Corno e Cividalese). In tal senso la variante n. 8 al PTI della ZIU si configura come “PTI parziale”.

La variante n. 8 al PTI, adottata dai soci nel maggio 2023, è stata approvata con Decreto del Presidente della Regione n. 157/Pres. del 19 settembre 2023.

Ai sensi del D.Lgs 152/2006 vengono pubblicati, nella sezione del sito cosef.fvg.it/zona-industriale-udinese/gestione-territorio-ziu.html anche gli atti di VAS della varianti n. 4, 5, 6, 7 e 8 al P.T.I. e rese note le attività di Monitoraggio VAS.

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